Sunday, June 04, 2006

Next RASC Meeting

Anyone reading this and wishing to see what the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada is all about, feel free to come along to our next meeting. It will be held at the Vancouver Space Centre, 7.30pm on June 8th 2006.

The main speaker is Brett Gladman from UBC's Dept of Physics and Astronomy and he will be talking about some of the objects he and his team have found and what these can tell us about our solar system.

Buffy the Kuiper Belt Object is one of the teams' most famous discoveries and was first seen back in Dec 2005. The linked article is from Universe Today.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Rain Rain Rain!!

As you can tell from the title the weather here is not good. It's raining heavily and only suitable if you're a duck.

They'll be no viewing tonight.