Monday, May 29, 2006

Tonights Viewing May29th 2006

Well it seems I've neglected this site for a while so it's time to get back on with it.

The viewing tonight looks fairly decent compared to the last few weeks of cloudy/rainy skies. It's 9.40pm here in Vanoucouver BC and the plan is to get a few Messier objects and three planets viewed.

Obviously we're going for the easy planets. Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Mars & Saturn are pretty much close together at the moment but fairly low in the horizon. These will have to be viewed as soon as it gets dark before they go below the apartment building opposite my home.

I've only five messier objects on the list so far for tonight.

M44- Beehive Cluster. A easy one for sure and just by Saturn.
M67 - King Cobra. Not that easy from my position. Too much light polution but I should be able to get it. Another one close to Saturn.
M3 - Globular Cluster. I'll try for this one again. I tried a few times when we last had decent weather but couldn't get it here at home. Out in a dark sky this one is fairly easy.
M5 - Globular Cluster. Same as M3 really.
M13 - Hercules Cluster. This is a pretty cluster and one of my faves.

Maybe I'll try for a few more so watch this space.


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