Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Viewing 29th May 2006 (Cont)

Tonight I got the 6" refractor out and set it up on my deck. The deck is not the steadiest place for serious viewing but it's okay for a bit of sky hopping.

The telescope is a Skywatcher 102 on an equatorial mount. I mainly used a 25mm eyepiece and at times put in a 2X Barlow.

First on the list was Mars. I found it easy in the Western sky just on the boundary of Cancer and Gemini. It's too far away now and low in the horizon for good viewing but it's nice to say hello to it and wave at the rovers.

Saturn was next. Saturn looks great in the refractor and without too much magnification the image is really clear. I could only be certain of two moons tonight. Those were Titan and Rhea. If I'd waited a little longer for the sky to darken a little more then I probably would have got a couple more.

From Saturn a short hop up to the M44 - The Beehive Cluster. This is one of my fave Open Clusters. I think only the Plaeides is more prettier than this one.

M67 - King Cobra was proving really difficult to get. Just when I thought a I had found it one of the Iridium Satellites went streaking past. No matter how many times I see these things they still make me jump. The viewing was still not great but I think it must have gone behind the apartment as I couldn't find it. No points for this one tonight.

M3 beckoned next. Eventually that small fuzzy ball was just barely in view. It took a while to find it way high up there, but that's what knees are for.

A phone call was then to disturb the rest of the planned viewing as a trip to collect a relative was needed. Before the telescope was put away a brief look at Jupiter was in order. It looked great as always and getting better each day. The usual moons were on display too. Callisto way out and on the other side Ganymede with Europa a little further in. Very close though was Io and I'm sure I caught a glimpse of its shadow on the planet.

Well that was it for tonight. A planned evening cut short but there will be many more to come. Hopefully this weekend will be clear and I can get back to the GMSO for some proper viewing.


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